David R. Schilling | Obituary

David Roland Schilling, 84, of Mattoon, died Dec. 23, 2024, from the effects of pulmonary fibrosis.

David was born on Sept. 20, 1940, in St. Louis, to Arnold H. and Octavia C. (nee Mueller) Schilling. He married Linda Reon Gerdes on May 2, 1969, in Aplington, Iowa. 

Growing up on the family farm in Monroe County, Illinois, David graduated from Waterloo High School in 1958. He later earned his Bachelor of Science degree in agriculture mechanics from the University of Illinois in June of 1962. 

Following his college graduation, he enlisted in the United States Army and received a commission as a second lieutenant. 

In January of 1965 he joined John Deere. One of his dealers was in Aplington, Iowa, where he met and later married the love of his life, Linda.

In 1971, David and his brother Dwight joined with Sloan Inc. of Assumption to form Schilling & Sloan Inc., the John Deere dealership in Mattoon. 

In 1985, Sloan left, and the dealership became Schilling Brothers. In 1988 David left the dealership and started his financial business, Schilling Financial Services in Mattoon. He retired in 2016.

He will be missed by his coffee friends, his ROMEO (Retired Old Men Eating Out) Club, his church friends, and his loving family.

He is survived by his loving wife of fifty-five years, one daughter, Tonya Ciulla of Mattoon; grandchildren Sierra Coartney and significant other Scott Griffin of Charleston, Sydney Fisher of Urbana and Landon Pearcy of Mattoon; great-granddaughters Maddie Coartney and Violet and Phoenix Pearcy; brother Dwight Schilling and wife Mary of Mattoon: and sister Yvonne Gilbert of Fults. 

He was preceded in death by his parents; son, Mark Schilling; son-in-law Larry Ciulla; and brother-in-law Roy Gilbert.

Mitchell-Jerdan Funeral Home in Mattoon handled arangements.


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