SPPCS softballers place third

Pictured are Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School softball players Claire Schuchardt, Maren Wilkens and Kylie Edwin with the third place trophy after winning Thursday at the SIJHSAA Class S state tournamnet.

The co-op junior high school softball squad consisting of players from St. John the Baptist Catholic School of Red Bud and Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic School of Waterloo won the third place game at the Southern Illinois Junior High School Athletic Association Class S state tournament on Thursday, 3-0 over Woodlawn. 

SPPCS softball players on the team are Claire Schuchardt, Maren Wilkens and Kylie Edwin. 

In other junior high action, Millstadt lost 9-4 to DuQuoin for fourth place at the SIJHSAA Class L state baseball tourney on Thursday. 

The co-op team of St. James of Millstadt and Immaculate Conception of Columbia lost 9-4 to Sesser-Valier for fourth place at the SIJHSAA Class M state tourney on Thursday. 


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