Lydia Rose & Leah Jewell Shevlin | Births

Lydia Rose & Leah Jewell Shevlin

David and Jessica Shevlin announce the birth of their twin daughters, Lydia Rose and Leah Jewell Shevlin.

They were born June 14, 2013, at Mercy Hospital, St. Louis. Leah weighed 4 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 16.75 inches long. Lydia weighed 4 pounds, 4 ounces, and was 18 inches long.

They were welcomed to the family by brother Lane, 3.

Their paternal grandparents are Kevin and Susan Shevlin.

Maternal grandparents are Christopher and Carol Howell.

Great-grandparents are Marvin and Rosalie Ries, Gregory and Yvonne Howell, Tom and Bonnie Shevlin and Donald and Betty Fausz.

Tammy Taylor

Tammy is an award-winning Graphic Artist for the Republic-Times. She has worked at the newspaper for almost 15 years, while her and her husband Norman, of 34 years, are owners of Sunderman's Garage in Columbia. She enjoys photography and her five grandchildren.

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