Brumit – Scheibe | Engagement

Mary Brumit and Aaron Scheibe

Mary Kate Brumit and Aaron Randall Scheibe of Waterloo have announced their engagement.

The bride-to-be is the daughter of Carl and Carole Brumit Sr. of Waterloo.

She attended Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Grade School, and Gibault Catholic High School in Waterloo.

She received her bachelor’s degree in business administration from McKendree University and is a patient service representative at Washington University in St. Louis.

The groom-to-be is the son of Randy and Robin Scheibe of Valmeyer.

He attended Valmeyer grade school and high school and Rend Lake College, where he studied agriculture mechanics.

He is employed as an ag mechanic at John Deere Nobbe & Co. in Waterloo.

They are planning an Aug. 16, 2014 wedding.

Tammy Taylor

Tammy is an award-winning Graphic Artist for the Republic-Times. She has worked at the newspaper for almost 15 years, while her and her husband Norman, of 34 years, are owners of Sunderman's Garage in Columbia. She enjoys photography and her five grandchildren.
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