Waterloo approves tax levy

The Waterloo City Council on Monday night approved a property tax levy increase for the current fiscal year during its final regular meeting of 2024.

A public hearing, as advertised via public notice in the Dec. 4 issue of the Republic-Times, was held prior to Monday’s meeting.

The corporate and special purpose property taxes extended or abated for the City of Waterloo for 2023 were $1,716,340.41. The proposed corporate and special purpose property taxes to be levied for 2024 are $1,807,500. 

This represents a 5.31 percent increase over the previous year. 

Of the slightly more than $1.8 million to be raised by the levy, $808,000 is for the police pension fund, $532,500 is for the library. The remaining amount is for the Federal Insurance Contributions Act to fund Social Security and Medicare, the corporate fund, a special library fund, the Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, roads and bridges fund, and Waterloo Municipal Band.

The tax levy was unanimously approved.

In other action Monday night, the council approved a two-year contract between the city and J&J Septic Tank & Sewer Cleaning for sludge hauling. 

Also approved was the purchase of a 2025 Ford F-550 regular cab truck with utility body for the city’s underground department from Viking-Cives Midwest in the amount of $108,398. This vehicle purchase was in the city budget and will replace a 2008 F-350 utility truck

The council also honored retiring longtime public works director Tim Birk for his 31 years of service. Per a proclamation made by Mayor Stan Darter, Jan. 8 was declared “Tim Birk Day” in the city. That will be Birk’s last official day on the job. 

At its Dec. 2 meeting, the council approved group health insurance coverage renewal with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois with a 1.49 percent rate increase, group dental insurance coverage renewal with Delta Dental with a 7.6 percent rate increase, group vision insurance coverage renewal with EyeMed with no rate increase, and group life insurance coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois through Dearborn Life Insurance Company with no rate increase. 

All of these renewals are effective Jan. 1.

Also on Dec. 2, aldermen approved the purchase of electrical wire from Brownstown Electrical Supply in the amount of $42,990 for the purpose of relocating existing overhead circuit lines in conflict with the proposed location of a new turbine generator. 

The new electric lines will be installed underground to avoid impact to the construction and installation of the new city turbine.  

The council also approved the purchase of a new 2024 Ford F-550 flatbed truck with snow plow and dump body for the street department from Viking-Cives Midwest in the Amount of $151,536. 

This new vehicle, which was in the city budget, will replace a 2006 F-350 flatbed. 

Also on Dec. 2, the council approved a special use permit for a home occupation (counseling) to be located at 509 Grand Avenue.

In related city news, a planning commission meeting is set for this Thursday, Dec. 19, at 6:30 p.m. at City Hall to review an annexation agreement regarding a proposed new 66-lot subdivision to be known as Deer Ridge adjacent to Natalie Estates in the area of Hamacher and Rogers streets. 

This new subdivision being developed by Matt Patterson is on 38.50 acres currently zoned in the county. 

Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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