Police Blotter 2/26/14

Columbia Police

Feb. 18 – John H. Juengel, 18, was cited for speeding and illegal transportation of alcohol at 722 S. Rapp Street.

Feb. 22 – Andrew D. Tufto Sr., 31, of Swansea, was arrested for DUI, illegal transportation of alcohol, no insurance and improper parking on roadway at Admiral Parkway northbound at Wedgewood.

Ian T. Nienhaus, 24, of Columbia, was arrested on an in-state warrant at 2414 Lakeshore Drive.

Feb. 23 – Christopher J. Mogg, 26, of Barnhart, Mo., was arrested for DUI, no insurance, no valid registration and disobeying a traffic control signal.

A juvenile was arrested for possession of cannabis and possession of drug paraphernalia on Admiral Trost Boulevard at Admiral Weinel.

Illinois State Police

Feb. 20 – Meghan E. Burton was charged with two counts of felony possession of controlled substance (hydrocodone, tramadol).

Feb. 20 – Jerome Macon Jr. was charged with two counts of felony unlawful acquisition of a controlled substance (hydrocodone, alprazolam).

Monroe County Sheriff

Feb. 19 – Elliott L. Henderson, 29, of Florissant, Mo., was ar- rested on six counts of felony identity theft for incidents that oc- curred Oct. 27. Court information alleges that Henderson used multiple credit cards belonging to Lauren Hardin to fraudulently obtain gift cards and other items.

Feb. 21 – A report of fraud is under investigation involving a resident of Goeddeltown Road who made a $2,000 purchase on eBay that was not delivered as specified.

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and Waterloo police were put on alert for a Buick LaCrosse that was driven off the Weir auto dealership lot in Red Bud without consent shortly before noon. The matter was resolved with the woman in question a short time later.

Feb. 22 – Richard C. Anderson Jr., 51, of Fults, was transported to St. Anthony’s Medical Center in St. Louis for treatment of injuries sustained in a crash on Fults Road about one mile east of Sutterville Road around 5 p.m. Anderson was driving his 1989 Toyota pickup truck westbound on Fults Road when he said an unknown vehicle swerved in front of him to avoid a deer. Anderson swerved his truck out of the way, causing it to veer off the roadway and strike an embankment.

Feb. 23 – Ronald Mahan, 53, of Red Bud, was arrested for domestic battery and interference with the reporting of domestic violence on Biffar Drive.

Thomas Eisele, 25, of Ferguson, Mo., was arrested on an in- state warrant and also for no insurance, driving while suspended and improper lighting on Route 3 at South Library Street.

Feb. 24 – Molly McGinnis, 22, of Waterloo, was arrested for possession of cannabis, obstructing justice and three counts of felony possession of a controlled substance (hydromorphone, oxymorphone hydrochloride, alprazolam).

Waterloo Police

Feb. 13 – Three female Waterloo High School students, all juveniles, were arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia at the school.

Feb. 16 – David Rowland, 32, of Waterloo, was issued a city ordinance violation for public fighting at Fourth Street Bar, 301 S. Moore Street.

Feb. 19 – Kyle S. Pollock, 18, of Belleville, was charged with burglary following a Jan. 16 incident in which a vehicle was entered at 1417 Jamie Lane.

Feb. 23 – Stephen Shipp, 54, of St. Louis, was arrested on a fugitive from justice warrant out of Jefferson County, Mo.

Three persons were transported to St. Anthony’s Medical Center in St. Louis following a vehicle rollover just before midnight on a Floraville Road curve at the eastern edge of city limits. Those injured in the crash were Dylan L. Kent, 20, of Red Bud; Brendan G. Radford, 20, of Waterloo; and a 16-year-old Waterloo girl. The driver, Kent, suffered a broken neck in the crash.

Feb. 25 – Police were called to Waterloo High School for a report of a student caught with alcohol.

Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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