Petition process begins for April election

The first day to pick up petition packets to file as candidates for the April 7, 2015, municipal elections was Tuesday.

The first date to file petitions is Dec. 15 and continues through Dec. 22.

Those interested in circulating candidacy petitions for Columbia, Waterloo, Hecker, Fults, Valmeyer and Maeystown city council or village trustee seats may now pick up forms at the respective city halls.

Candidate petitions for Waterloo Park District Board may be picked up at the park district office.

In a change from past elections, those wanting to run for Columbia, Valmeyer or Waterloo school board seats will now deal exclusively with the Monroe County clerk’s office at the courthouse, picking up petition materials and filing there.

In Waterloo, Mayor Tom Smith is up for re-election, as is City Clerk Barbara Pace and Treasurer Brad Papenberg. The city aldermanic seats currently held by Steve Notheisen (Ward 1), Jim Hopkins (Ward 2), Charlie Metzger (Ward 3) and Clyde Heller (Ward 4) are also up for election.

Waterloo school board members currently seated with terms expiring for the April 7 election are Valerie Baxmeyer (Township 2-9), JoEllen Burton (Township 2-9), Suzanne Sweet (Township 3-10) and Dwight Schaefer (Township 2-10). Not more than three school board members may be selected from any one congressional township.

As for the park district, the seats currently occupied by Kevin Hahn and Shelby Mathes Sr. are up for election.

In Columbia, the city aldermanic seats currently held by Steven Reis (Ward 1), TJ Mathews (Ward 2), Jeff Huch (Ward 3) and Steve Holtkamp (Ward 4) are up for election.

The Columbia school board will have two incorporated seats and one unincorporated seat up for election. Marshal Stout (unincorporated), Randy Simmonds and Scott Middelkamp currently occupy those seats.

In Valmeyer, village trustees Bob Moore, Bruce Whipple, and Butch Ford are up for re-election.

The seats currently occupied by Virginia Rusteberg, Zoe Ann Schwarze, Kim Franke and Joseph Andres are up for election on the Valmeyer school board.

In Fults, Mayor Eugene Williams is up for re-election, as is Village Clerk Ronald Rodenberg and trustees Debra Rodenberg, Don Hamilton Jr. and Pam Rippelmeyer.

In Maeystown, Village President Terryl Walster is up for re-election, as are trustees David Braswell, Carmen Lewis and Faye Ross.

In Hecker, trustees Gary Wittenauer, Richard Happel and Charles Wagner are up for re-election.

For more information on the April 5 municipal elections, call the county clerk’s office at 939-8681, ext. 302

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Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.

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