Couple charged with home repair fraud

A Valmeyer couple was recently charged with home repair fraud and other felonies in connection with an alleged incident that took place over the past few months in Waterloo.

Court information lists Jeffrey L. Herring, 46, and Mandy R. Herring, 44, both of Valmeyer, with charges of home repair fraud, theft and forgery in this case, which was investigated by the Waterloo Police Department.

The charges allege the Herrings entered into a written agreement for basement work at a home on Betty Drive in Waterloo with no intent of performing such work. Between Sept. 4 and Nov. 2, the Herrings allegedly received payment of $3,000 from a local woman for materials to be used as part of this project.

On the forgery charge, it is alleged the Herrings altered a document to make it appear to be a receipt from Menards in the amount of $3,700.


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