Operation Snowball gets rolling

Emphasizing the importance of student leadership, the Monroe County Coalition for Drug-Free Communities met earlier this month to talk about Operation Snowball and some of the progress currently being made…

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Coalition tours renovated MCSD

The Monroe County Coalition for Drug-Free Communities held its regular meeting at the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, discussing drug-related crime in the county before taking a look at recent renovations…

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Drug-free coalition talks trends

At November’s Monroe County Coalition for Drug-Free Communities meeting, the group discussed recent trends in alcohol and substance use, along with the importance of avoiding stigmatizing language when discussing such…

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Coalition discusses alcohol use

The Monroe County Coalition for Drug-Free Communities listened to a guest speaker talk about how drug and alcohol use have been impacted by the pandemic, with a particular focus on…

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Coalition gets cannabis lesson

In its first five days of legalization, over $10.8 million worth of adult-use recreational marijuana was sold in more than 271,000 transactions statewide, including at the Collinsville facility that serves…

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