Posts Tagged ‘disaster’
County board hears flood update
The threat of flooding on the Mississippi and Kaskaskia rivers is by no means over, but the Mississippi is dropping steadily and is predicted to continue to do so. The…
Read MoreAs river recedes, EMA assessing local damage
With the threat of major flooding decreasing by the day, the Monroe County Emergency Management Agency is now focused on working with the Illinois EMA to assess local damage as…
Read MoreValmeyer man prepared for worst case scenarios
Disaster movies like to depict everything in extremes. They take the worst-case scenario, such as an entire city being swallowed by the earth during an earthquake. Some natural disasters are…
Read MoreCourthouse generator plans approved
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners on Monday approved plans for installing a 400-kilowatt electric generator to sustain operations at the courthouse in an emergency situation. Monroe County Engineer Aaron…
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