Stabbing reported in Waterloo

Waterloo police and Monroe County EMS responded to a stabbing that occurred during a domestic altercation between two males shortly before 10 p.m. Thursday at 1123 Cottonwood Lane.

An ARCH Air Medical Services helicopter was requested to transport an injured male for treatment of injuries sustained from multiple stab wounds, but it did not appear that the helicopter transported the man. The other male involved was taken into police custody.

The injured male, 28-year-old Eric M. Boyer of Waterloo, was pronounced dead at a St. Louis area hospital, police said. The suspect, Christofer J. Russell, 20, of Valmeyer, is facing charges related to the incident.

A woman at the address, Alicia (Pflueger) Pence, 26, was also reportedly cut in the hand during the incident and was transported to St. Anthony’s Medical Center, police said.

For more on this story as more information is released, click here:

At around the same time as Thursday’s stabbing incident, Waterloo police and EMS personnel were called to an apartment on Debra Lane for a report of a woman who had slit her wrists. That woman was transported to St. Anthony’s Medical Center.






Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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