School board hires teachers, OKs contracts

School News Monroe County Correction: The board rescinded the June 5 motion awarding WHS east concession stand bid with restroom to Nevois Construction in the amount of $165,641.

At a brief meeting Monday night, the Waterloo School Board approved the hiring of teachers for the upcoming school year and congratulated retiring superintendent Jim Helton on his last school board meeting.

Board members approved the hiring of Jamie Holtman as a full-time elementary teacher and Chelsea Adair as full-time high school cross categorical special education teacher.

They also voted to re-employ Allycia Drummond as a full-time elementary teacher.

The board approved Nevois Construction of Red Bud for asphalt improvement projects that will take place this summer in the amount of $165,641.

All other bids for the projects were rescinded for the Waterloo High School east concession stand with restrooms.

Brian Charron will take over as superintendent for the next board meeting to take place July 14.


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