Republic-Times up for several state awards
The Republic-Times newspaper, covering Monroe County and surrounding areas since 1890, will receive some special 125th birthday presents from the Illinois Press Association this June in the form of editorial and advertising awards, it was announced this week.
The newspaper is up for 10 awards each in the IPA’s editorial and advertising competitions for its division. In the editorial contest, the Republic-Times has placed in the categories of General Excellence, News Story, Business/Economic Reporting, Sports Story, Sports Feature, Spot News Photo, Feature Photo and Best Website. The R-T has won the first place state award for Best Website the past two years. In the advertising contest, the paper has placed in the categories of General Excellence, Full Page Ad, House Ad, Small Ad, Full Color Ad, Special Section, Classified Section, Classified Promotion, Marketing Campaign and Holiday Ad.
Awards will be presented during a luncheon to take place as part of the IPA’s 150th anniversary convention June 10-12 at the Bloomington-Normal Marriott.
In addition, the Republic-Times is up for three awards (Website, Local News Coverage, Sports Photo) in the Southern Illinois Editorial Association contest. Those awards will be presented April 17 in Carbondale.