Monroe County Agriculture Literacy Coalition formed
There is a great opportunity to show students and teachers the value and vastness of the agricultural economy in Monroe County.
“Agriculture in the Classroom” is regarded as a refreshing and flexible educational program designed to supplement and enhance a teacher’s existing curriculum.
A coalition was formed to bring together interested organizations and individuals to enhance the effectiveness of reaching students and consumers about agriculture. The Monroe County Agriculture Literacy Coalition is networking to improve agriculture literacy – awareness, knowledge and appreciation – among teachers and their students.
Coalition partners are the Monroe County FFA chapters, Monroe County Farm Bureau, Monroe County Farm Bureau Foundation, Monroe County 4-H Foundation, Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation District and University of Illinois Extension.
The coalition is seeking financial assistance to match a $7,500 grant to fund the program.
The current focus of the coalition includes:
•Continuing efforts of the coalition partners in educating students and providing materials for teachers.
•Working with Local School Districts and the Regional Office of Education.
•Supporting Current Programs such as:
•Fall, spring and winter lessons for pre-K through fourth grade students
•Conservation Day for fifth grade students
•Health and Safety Day for sixth grade students
•Agri-Science RoadShow for seventh grade students
•Summer learning programs for daycare students
•Expanding our library of resources of Learning Kits, Ag Mags, lessons, books, and DVDs on a variety of agricultural topics for teachers and the community to use.
•Reaching all 4,301 elementary students in Monroe County schools.
County coalition grants are made possible through funding from the IAA Foundation. Julie Zeiger is the Monroe County Agriculture Literacy Coordinator located in the Monroe County Farm Bureau office. Volunteers are still needed to help with cutting, sorting and copying materials for projects.
For more information on the program, or to contribute financially, contact Brenda Seboldt, Farm Bureau Manager, at 939-6197 or