Man flees from police in jail parking lot
Dustin Webb
Members of the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department and Waterloo Police Department were on the lookout for a man who ran from police in the parking lot of the Monroe County Jail in Waterloo on Monday night.
The man, identified as 25-year-old Dustin Webb of St. Louis, was apprehended Tuesday afternoon in Missouri.
At about 7:45 p.m. Monday, Webb and a woman arrived in a vehicle at the sheriff’s department to put money toward an inmate’s booking commissary. When Webb observed a deputy in the parking lot, he fled on foot.
A K-9 search of their vehicle in the jail parking lot turned up a loaded firearm and 22 grams of methamphetamine.
The woman was taken into custody at the jail. She is expected to be charged Wednesday.
Police searched for Webb in Waterloo on Monday night and Tuesday morning, with no result. Early Tuesday afternoon, Rohlfing said his department had received information that Webb may have made his way into Missouri.
Webb was taken into custody in Imperial, Mo., by the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department. He is facing multiple charges in Monroe County and also had warrants for probation violations in Missouri.
Rohlfing also dispelled social media rumors Tuesday morning that an armed subject was at the courthouse.
“The information on social media that an armed subject is in the courthouse is false and everyone is safe there,” he said.
Some of the Waterloo school buildings and daycare centers opted to go into a “soft” lockdown Tuesday morning as a safety precaution while the search took place.