Fults post office closed

Pictured is the Fults Post Office, which has since been closed with Fults mail now going through Valmeyer.

United States Post Office mail customers in Fults will now need to direct any questions to the post office in Valmeyer.

One local resident told the Republic-Times that the Fults Post Office building had been condemned, but Monroe County Zoning Administrator Chris Voelker said that it was not. 

Voelker said the condition of the building was brought to his attention, and he then inquired to the Waterloo Post Office about the lease, but “that was the extent of (his department’s) involvement.”

Zachary Weinman, who is the current officer in charge at the Waterloo Post Office, confirmed that Fults mail will now be routed through Valmeyer. 

“We had issues with the old building in Fults, and the landlord was not wanting to renew the lease,” Weinman told the Republic-Times.   

The Waterloo Post Office serves as remote manager of the Valmeyer and Maeystown post offices, and similarly did so for Fults.

The Valmeyer Post Office may be reached by phone at 618-935-2679.


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