Forgery in Columbia using stolen bank cards
Pictured is surveillance footage from Monday’s incident at Associated Bank in Columbia. (submitted photo)
Columbia police are investigating an alleged forgery that took place at a bank in town on Monday afternoon.
Shortly after 3:20 p.m., officers responded to Associated Bank in the 200 block of North Main Street. Police said a gray SUV, possibly a Hyundai, with a white male driver in his 30s with dark hair and a white female passenger believed to be wearing a blonde wig and gray baseball cap presented stolen identification and bank cards to the bank while requesting cash.
The Illinois license plate displayed on the vehicle was Y918457.
The stolen ID and bank cards used in this incident were taken during a vehicle burglary elsewhere in the metro-east earlier in the day, police said.
Columbia Police Chief Jerry Paul said Monday’s incident is similar in nature to other crimes committed throughout the country by the Felony Lane Gang, which is a nationwide criminal organization that breaks into cars to steal items and assume a person’s identity.
Columbia police encourage residents to lock their vehicles and secure any valuables inside the trunk or out of plain sight. All victims of vehicle burglary are asked to make a police report immediately and are encouraged to notify their financial card holders.