
Candlelight House Tour is Saturday in Waterloo

It just wouldn’t be Christmas in Waterloo without the Waterloo High School Band Parents’ annual Candlelight House Tour of beautifully decorated homes. The 22nd annual event takes place this Saturday…

Is this The Jetsons? | Planet Ryan

Before I go to sleep at night, I usually check emails and other messages on my phone. I also flick through all the news feeds, including Facebook, to see what’s…


Greed | Mark’s Remarks

When I wrote about the Pilgrims last week, I included an end to the story; I told you that eventually, the Pilgrims were no longer friends with those same people…

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Prevent the Grinch from ruining your holiday

While you’re in the mall stuffing the stockings or out decking the halls, the Grinch may be at work in the parking lot – ready to loot your car of…

The Republic-Times 2013 Deer Contest

Congrats to Drew McEntire, the winner of the Republic-Times Deer Photo Contest. McEntire, with 87 “likes” for his photo, wins a Schneider’s gift certificate. Thank you to all that participated! Deer Contest…


The Scroobys | Mark’s Remarks

Long ago in the 1500s,  when Henry VIII decided he wanted to divorce and marry whenever he darned well felt like it, he decided to start his own church.  You…


Help emergency responders help you

The Waterloo Fire Department, along with Monroe County EMS, would like to inform the public about the Yellow Dot Program, a state-wide initiative designed to provide vital medical information on…


Team Parents | Mark’s Remarks

Over the years, I’ve been to more sporting events than I can count. I’ve had plenty of opportunities to watch parents and use my judgmental and critical nature to analyze…


Here are some winter wellness tips!

Cooler temperatures often bring along the season’s sniffles and colds. With a few winter wellness tips, you can prepare for a happier and healthier season, regardless of your budget, with the…

Kaskaskia Trail Chorus shines during annual show

The Kaskaskia Trail Chorus, under the direction of Mark Heise, brought a full house to thundering applause numerous times during its 47th Annual Show at Turner Hall in Columbia. The…