All about variety at WHS art show

Art pieces of various forms can be seen among the WHS library’s shelves of books as part of the WHS Art Show. 

This week, the Waterloo High School library is doubling as an art gallery for the annual art show.

In the process, WHS art students whose work is featured provide their peers a window into their artistic world. There are over 300 pieces on display. 

“A lot of making art is about the research, skill and technique development in the creating process. However, a large part is also about presenting,” WHS art teacher Brad Keim said. “Being able to see work in a more formal space and presentation can elevate work that was previously only seen in the classroom. There are countless hours put into the selections and they demonstrate amazing artistic exploration and growth over the year.” 

With a variety of themes and mediums present, the only thing all the show’s pieces have in common is they were all created by WHS students. Keim said works include nearly every medium one can imagine – pencils, watercolors, acrylics, oils, collage, mixed media, digital art, sculpture, paper-mache and more. 

Themes and concepts were driven by class units, such as social issues and transparency, Keim said. 

If some pieces look familiar, it’s probably because they are. Many of the agamographs – pieces that show different images when examined from different perspectives – in the show were on display at Morrison-Talbott Library in March. 

Isabella Del Re’s “Love,” which depicts two toads fishing under a moonlit sky, was honored at Sister Cities of Porta Loo’s spring meeting. “Love” was entered into the Sister Cities International Young Artist Showcase Contest. 

Still, an abundance of works have yet to be viewed by the public.

“Selections were made based on providing examples of excellent work from throughout the year,” Keim said. “An effort was made to not repeat too many pieces that were on display in the school during the year as well as provide independent art students the experience of displaying their body of work.” 

Keim said he is excited to see where the students’ art leads them next. 

“My hope is that all of my students, regardless of their post-high school paths, continue to use the creative process and make things that express themselves and can convey meaning to others through art,” Keim said. 

Throughout the week, viewers will vote for their favorites. On Wednesday, friends and family of the artists’ can visit the show after school hours. 

Madison Lammert

Madison is a reporter at the Republic-Times. She has over six years of experience in journalistic writing. Madison is a recent graduate of Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; she graduated summa cum laude with a degree in mass communications. Before graduating and working at the Republic-Times, Madison worked for SIUE’s student newspaper, The Alestle, for many years. During her time there she filled many roles, including editor-in-chief. When she is not working, she likes to spend time with her dog and try new restaurants across the river.
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