Busting | Mark’s Remarks

We all have had news that made us feel like we were going to bust. Haven’t we? Think about it for a minute.

We guys have an issue with being too enthusiastic about such things. It apparently isn’t manly. Hogwash. It’s too bad that society has dictated such behavior. In my opinion, guys should be able to share if they’ve got some exciting news.  And if they want to be a little giddy about it, so be it.

The reason I thought I’d write about this topic this week is mainly due to a little interaction I had at the local drugstore not too many weeks back. I wrote it down on my “column calendar” so I wouldn’t forget that it might make a good column.

I came up to the counter to buy my stuff and the sweet lady behind the counter was friendly as usual. I noticed she was practically jumping up and down as she stood there. Finally I looked at her and flashed her a smile that probably said “Do you have some news?”

As if reading my mind, she blurted out “today is my last day here! I’m retiring! I only have five minutes left.” She was happy as a clam.

And I was happy for her. I was honored to have been one of her last customers, and I actually had more of a spring in my step as I left. Before I left, I asked her what her plans were and I also told her that we would all miss her. I don’t know her name, but heck, I will miss such friendliness and good customer service. I went home and told Michelle all about it and continued to smile all night about that sweet lady’s excitement.

I think we should always feel good about sharing our news with folks. You know, there are plenty of people who keep to themselves so much that we never know anything about them. Also, there are people who have a limited social life and simply don’t come in contact with too many people each day.

I wrote a column about fixing the garbage disposal a few years back. I’d never done that before. I had saved a repair bill.  I had conquered.

Now, there are plenty of guys who know how to fix disposals. Since then, I’ve done it plenty of times. However, back then, it was all foreign to me.  When I flipped that switch and that thing ate up the bits of broccoli and orange rinds that were down there, and then purred away with a confident whirring noise… well, I wanted to alert the media.

So, I get it, don’t you? Like I said, big or small, victories and personal triumphs are things we want and need to share with people. People shouldn’t be ashamed of sharing. Some folks are afraid they will sound as if they are bragging or too proud.  Again, hogwash I think.

I told total strangers that we were expecting all four kids. I sent an email to a huge number of my friends when I was nominated for an acting award. I called practically every teacher at school when the ultrasound said it was a boy. When I got a teaching job, I sent the story to my local newspaper. I called all my friends and family when I asked Michelle to marry me and even told the waiter that night when we went out to eat (of course, I was looking for preferential service, too).

My kids could walk on stage and say their ABCs and I would applaud and want to tell the world how talented they are. A horn-tooter, I am. I sometimes sound like an opera singer warming up: me, me, me, me, me!

Are you busting with some news today? I want to hear about it.

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Mark Tullis

Mark is a 25-year veteran teacher teaching in Columbia. Originally from Fairfield, Mark is married with four children. He enjoys reading, writing, and spending time with his family, and has been involved in various aspects of professional and community theater for many years and enjoys appearing in local productions. Mark has also written a "slice of life" style column for the Republic-Times since 2007.
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