Drug overdose call near Columbia

Columbia EMS assisted the St. Clair County Sheriff’s Department in responding shortly before 12:30 p.m. Friday to the 1300 block of Imbs Station Road near Columbia for a report of an unresponsive male due to a likely drug overdose.

The 911 caller initially statedĀ the victim was not conscious, not breathing, and CPR was in progress.

When Columbia EMS arrived on scene, they found the subject, a 49-year-old male, had ran into the woods near Sugar Loaf Road. Deputies arrived and located the male lying face down on the ground near Sugar Loaf Road. The male was again not conscious.

The subject woke up again and eventually identified himself and denied taking any drugs. He could not explain why he was face down in the grass, police said.

The male refused any further medical treatment and returned to the home.

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