5th Street Players | Team of the Week

5th Street Players pool team

The Republic-Times Team of the Week are the 5th Street Players pool team from Dupo, who defeated The Contenders II of West Covina, Calif., in the finals of the 2017 American Poolplayers Association 9-Ball World Championships held Aug. 10-19 in Las Vegas.

The victory earned 5th Street Players $15,000 in first place prize money, and 5th Street Billiards Bar & Grill in Dupo received a large trophy to display. A record 492 teams competed in this year’s 9-Ball World Championship.

Pictured with their check and trophy, front row, from left, are Sarah Dixon, Don Dixon Jr. and Jennifer Coash; back row: Andy Reago, Scott Sullivan, Roger Hulsey, Tyler Whitaker and Brylor Coonce.


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