County to save money with payroll service switch

The Monroe County Board of Commissioners met Monday morning in regular public session and learned from Monroe County Clerk Dennis Knobloch that a savings will start soon in the county’s method of processing payrolls.

The county currently expends $19,600 annually with ADP services to process payrolls for employees of the county and the sheriff’s department.

Knobloch indicated that the change, to start in September,  will both save money and streamline budgetary processes.

The county its change its payroll support from ADP to WTI Systems. While there will be a one-time cost of $13,563 to make the change, annual costs will drop to $998 thereafter for a yearly savings of about 95 percent.

Knobloch also said the new system will interface seamlessly with the Fundware program used for all county office budgets and accounts payable, removing a step in transferring information and tying all budget elements together.

Also on Monday, Beverly “Diane” Sotolar, a resident of the Lake Ronnie subdivision located east of Waterloo off Route 156, expressed concerns to the commissioners about plans by Beelman Trucking to seek access to a quarry site near there using an existing private road.

She voiced concerns about the loss of privacy, traffic noise and dust, as well as possible environmental impacts of such a decision.

The commissioners listened to her points, but advised her that they have no jurisdiction over a private road.  They advised Sotolar to talk to District Road Commissioner George Gregson, Monroe County Highway Engineer Aaron Metzger and State’s Attorney Kris Reitz to learn what rights and alternatives may be taken into consideration.

In other news, Metzger reported on work completed on sections of Floraville and Hanover roads, which consisted of applying a restorative seal on the surface. Metzger said that before winter, ore sampling will be conducted to see how well the material penetrated the existing road surface to evaluate the process for possible future applications.

He also reported that work on an adjacent section of Hanover Road, which included adding chip rock, oil and sealant, has been completed, and several users have called him to compliment the county on the results.

 Monroe County Ambulance Service Director Carla Heise reported that calls are down slightly through the first half of 2014, some 70 less than for the same period last year.  She also reported on work to ensure patient confidentiality in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.  Several measures are being implemented, including updating computers to be capable of encrypting information.

Monroe County Treasurer Kevin Koenigstein issued a reminder that the first installment of property taxes is due by close of business this Friday. For questions, call the treasurer’s office at 939-8681, ext. 202

Finally, Bruce Brinkman was reappointed to the Monroe County Flood Prevention District; Delbert Wittenauer, Jay Vogt and Barbara Wagner were reappointed to the County Health Board and Vern Ritter was reappointed as a trustee for Palmier Cemetery.

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Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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