Waterloo amends liquor code for video gaming

The Waterloo City Council on Monday night voted to amend its liquor code in an effort to more clearly define establishments in regard to video gambling.

The license classifications break down establishments into taverns, restaurants, retail, convenience stores and gaming parlors.

Bars and restaurants are allowed to offer video gaming under the city’s liquor code. Taverns must generate more than 25 percent of revenues from the sale of food and alcohol consumed on premises. Restaurants must show that more than 25 percent of projected sales are from food and alcohol consumed on premises.

Video gaming is not permitted for retail establishments wishing to obtain a liquor license.

Convenience stores will be able to allow video gaming, but those requesting a liquor license must follow state laws as they pertain to video gaming.

“The licensee may sell, at retail, alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises where sold when served in an area used for video poker,” the ordinance states.

The annual fee for a convenience store wishing to offer video poker is $2,000, and the number of permits is limited to six in the city.

For convenience stores not wishing to offer video gambling, the annual liquor license fee is just $200.

For gaming parlors, a liquor license is allowed for those with food services but no full-service kitchen. Gaming parlors must generate less than 25 percent of revenue from food and alcohol sales, per the city code.

In other action from the meeting, the council voted to adopt a state-mandated sexual harassment policy. This new ordinance states that it is unlawful to harass a person because of their sex, be it verbally, non-verbally, visually, physically or electronically.

The ordinance also defines the procedures for reporting sexual harassment and consequences for those who violate the policy.

The next city council meeting is at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 5 at Waterloo City Hall.

Corey Saathoff

Corey is the editor of the Republic-Times. He has worked at the newspaper since 2004, and currently resides in Columbia. He is also the principal singer-songwriter and plays guitar in St. Louis area country-rock band The Trophy Mules.
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