Monroe County YMCA-HTC Center Illinois Ozarks 10K Bluff Trail Run

Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve 1309 Limestone Ln., Valmeyer, IL, United States

Trail Run course is a 10K starting at the foot of the Illinois Ozark Bluffs at Borsch Park in Valmeyer, IL. The first mile is on pavement with a gradual increase in grade as you pass mine openings quarried decades ago. The ascent up the bluffs begins near Rock City, an industrial park set in…

$10 – $40

Spring Wildflower Walk | Clifftop

Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve 1309 Limestone Ln., Valmeyer, IL, United States

Clifftop will host a spring wildflower walk from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at the Salt Lick Point Land and Water Reserve. The event is free and open to the public.