Posts Tagged ‘bruce brinkman’
Farmers brace for break-even year
In a sharp departure from last year’s drought, Monroe County farmers dealt with more-than-desired rain over the past month, though other factors could have them just hoping to break even…
Read MoreDrought tempers fall harvest
Farmers throughout Monroe and Randolph counties have recently been busy with the fall harvest as they take advantage of the dry weather and get outside, though lack of rain over…
Read MoreMonroe County talks state disaster snub
Two weeks after the Columbia area suffered significant widespread storm damage, the Monroe County Board passed a disaster declaration for the impacted region. Monroe County Public Safety Director Kevin Scheibe presented…
Read MoreA dry time for farmers
With farmers finishing up the summer wheat harvest amid a substantial drought, it’s currently looking to be a mixed year for agriculture in Monroe County. Per Farm Week, the entire…
Read MoreCorn crop popping in county
In recent weeks, corn stalks have turned from bright green to yellow and now to brown – but continuing to stand tall. It’s made it! Corn is coming out…
Read MoreSo far, so good with this year’s corn
It’s almost impossible to miss it even at highway speed as one drives through Monroe County, but the second crop of the summer’s big three is maturing. The gold…
Read MoreFarmers feeling coronavirus effects
Like any other business, the ripple effects of the coronavirus pandemic have affected the farming industry nationwide, including in Monroe County. According to the most recent data from the American…
Read MoreShutdown has minimal local impact
Monroe County citizens are among those across the country who are feeling the impact of the federal government shutdown, albeit to a lesser extent than some. Perhaps the largest portion…
Read MoreWhere does your food come from?
Valmeyer farmer Bruce Brinkman tills 1,100 acres of land along the bottoms, growing corn, beans, wheat and horseradish. The United States Department of Agriculture’s most recent census data shows his…
Read MoreBrinkmans learning as they go with large hog operation
By ETHAN MAY For the Republic-Times Every day, Bruce Brinkman spends about two hours walking around his farm outside of old Valmeyer checking on and feeding his hogs. In August…
Read MoreCounty to save money with payroll service switch
The Monroe County Board of Commissioners met Monday morning in regular public session and learned from Monroe County Clerk Dennis Knobloch that a savings will start soon in the county’s…
Read MoreHog business booming in the bottoms
A T-shirt seen recently said: “Wouldn’t we all be healthier if vegetables tasted like bacon?” Unfortunately, they just don’t. But fortunately, bacon does. Pork is big business in Monroe County,…
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