FNB sponsors finance program for local students

First National Bank of Waterloo is bringing financial literacy education to several counties in Illinois. 

Students at 17 schools now have free access to Banzai, an award-winning online program and content library that allows users to practice real-world finance from the safety of their home or classroom using any internet-enabled device. 

At a time when a solid foundation of practical financial knowledge is critical, these resources will make a huge impact on users. All of these resources are available to students at home or in the classroom via any device that can access the internet.

“Banzai is a web-based financial literacy program. Kids get their own accounts, and they work through assignments that are based on real life,” says Morgan Vandagriff, co-founder of Banzai. “But because First National Bank of Waterloo is sponsoring it, local schools get it for free. More than ever, it’s important that kids develop sound financial skills to prepare them for the real world, and First National Bank of Waterloo realizes that and they’re doing something about it.”

Banzai content builds a foundation of practical knowledge and gives students the tools to create a sound financial future. While students learn, teachers can easily monitor and grade their progress remotely. 

After finishing Banzai, students will know how to track where their money is and what it’s for, recognize financial trade-offs, build a budget, and more. At a time when many are facing unprecedented financial challenges, these lessons are invaluable. The Banzai resources are available at fnbwaterloo.teachbanzai.com

First National Bank of Waterloo also offers virtual or in-classroom presentations from local experts on timely topics.


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