CPD to conduct extra Halloween patrols
The Illinois Department of Transportation Division of Traffic Safety is funding the extra officers to be out making the roadways safer.
Halloween falls on a Friday night this year, with many children and families expected to be out walking the neighborhoods.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said Halloween is a statistically dangerous night for drunk driving. In 2012, almost half (48 percent) of all fatal crashes that night involved a drunk driver.
Columbia police are asking residents to do their part in helping to keep roadways safer by:
•Pre-planning a way to safely arrive home at the end of the night.
•Always designating a sober driver.
•Calling a taxi, a friend or just sleeping it off at the party location.
Walking on or near a roadway can be just as dangerous as driving. Designate a sober friend to walk you home.
If you see a drunk driver on the road, call police immediately.
If you know someone about to drive after drinking, take their keys and get them to their destination safely.