Posts Tagged ‘Rich Guebert’
Farmers brace for break-even year
In a sharp departure from last year’s drought, Monroe County farmers dealt with more-than-desired rain over the past month, though other factors could have them just hoping to break even…
Read MoreTaxing issue for farm families
A piece of legislation in the Illinois House of Representatives could help ease a tremendous burden from family farms as they deal with estate taxes. House Bill 4600, also known…
Read MoreDrought tempers fall harvest
Farmers throughout Monroe and Randolph counties have recently been busy with the fall harvest as they take advantage of the dry weather and get outside, though lack of rain over…
Read MoreMany factors yield mixed harvest
The fall harvest is underway for Monroe County farmers and with dry weather, input costs and an extremely low Mississippi River, results are mixed. Gateway FS Grain Division Manager Adam…
Read MoreCorn crop popping in county
In recent weeks, corn stalks have turned from bright green to yellow and now to brown – but continuing to stand tall. It’s made it! Corn is coming out…
Read MoreCounty corn harvest is ‘very variable’
Combines are on the move again throughout Monroe County as farmers harvest this year’s corn crop. Farming is not a guaranteed path to wealth. Each year, there are more variables…
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